Saturday 21 June 2008


Hau nia naran Torres Vidigal. Primeiro, hau mai iha Malaysia atu kontinua hau nia escola, maibe ho tempo ida ne’e hau mos hili tama iha joga bola. Iha clubo kiik ida iha Malaysia ho naran St. Fransis Institution Fc. Iha clubo nia laran jogadores sira husi sarani katolik Portuguese Setlement. Depois hau kontinua joga iha neba. Hau mos kontente tamba laos hau joga hasoru deit clubo husi Malaysia, maibe hau hasoru mos clubo husi Jerman, ho naran all Stars, no hasoru Singapore no clubo iha Malaysia hotu.
Hau sente kontente tamba maske clubo ne’e kiik, maibe buat hotu-hotu kompleto. Kona ba estamina, fisikal, hahan, patroliamentus kona ba joga nian no hahan nebe diak nomos toba iha Hotel, haris iha pisina/kolam renang. Hau mos kontente tamba hau bele joga iha Stadium Malaysia nian nebe iha Malacca, hanesan Stadium Hang tuah, Stadium Malacca Club. Ami atu ba iha Stadium bo’ot iha Malacca ho naran Stadium Hang Jebat.
Hau mos kontente tamba laos ba joga bola deit, maibe hau mos tama kona ba musik iha fatin seluk, hau mos hetan opo
rtunidade, atu tama iha colegio musik nian iha Malacca no iha Kuala Lumpur. Sira fo hau atu aumenta hau nia talenta kona ba musik nian, no kona ba sobu sasan listrik nian. Hau hakarak sai ema musician iha hau nia futuro aban bainrua nian.
I am Torres Vidigal, first, I came to Malaysia to continue schooling, but if I have time I choose to play soccerI am very happy because I am not only playing against other Malaysian Clubs but also I played against Club from Germany, their club’s name is All Stars, also I played against a Singaporean ClubsI am so happy here because even though the club is small but everything is there so complete! How the clubs look after our health, physical, food, and other things to support to play professional soccer. Not only playing soccer and food, the club even provided a hotel room to stay and also swimming in the pool. For our health regime!I am also happy that I can play in Malaysian Stadium in Malacca, such as stadium Hang Tuah, Stadium Malacca Club. We also will be playing in the biggest stadium in Malacca; the famous name is Stadium Hang Jebat!I am also happy that I am not only playing soccer, but I am also able to played music in other places/country, I want to have the opportunity to play music and to study music in Malacca and Kuala LumpurThey give me the opportunity to develop my talent in Music...And also I want to learn about electronicI want to be a successful musician for my future!If you are a musician and read my article please come and support me! I can show you that I have the talent! I just need the opportunity to develop my skill! I want to be able to read music and able to teach other talented disadvantage children in my beloved country!You can contact me on this bog! or in my email

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